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Chickerell Primary Academy


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Child protection and safeguarding


We take the safeguarding of children very seriously and have three designated safeguard leads/deputy leads in school:


Miss Harris - Headteacher (DSL)

Mrs Llewellyn - Deputy Headteacher (Deputy DSL)

Mrs  Ingram-Richards - pastoral family support worker [ Deputy DSL]

Our ELSA's, Mrs Smith, Miss Jolliffe and Miss Heslop also assist us with this when needed.

Mrs Lamming, leader of the preschool, is also a designate safeguard lead.


We also have 1 trained THRIVE practitioner who assist in supporting the emotional well being of the children, Mrs Ingram- Richards.  

Mrs  Ingram - Richards is also our designate Looked After Children teacher.


As a staff, we all use an online tool, MyConcern, to report and log any concerns over children that we may have, including attendance concerns, behaviour concerns and any concerns regarding a home situation.

The DSLs then meet weekly, to go through each Myconcern logged from the previous week to determine the best course of action.

Our e-safety training took place on 9th December 2015, our 'Prevent' training on October 4th , 2021, and the full safeguarding update on the  30th November 2022. We also have our yearly in house update session each September INSET days- the most recent being September 4th, led by the Deputy DSL, Mrs Llewellyn. We all 'top up' our safeguarding knowledge with the National College webinars too, time is set aside on INSET days for this. In addition to this, we also combine half termly 'case review' sessions with our weekly staff meetings to keep teaching staff robustly up to date.


Because this is such an emotive area, we also now incorporate regular 'supervision' sessions for all staff , to help reinforce and review best practice. 

UNCRC Article 19

Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and mistreatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.

UNCRC Article 34

Governments must protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation.

Child protection/safeguarding policy
