SEND - useful information for parents and carers
We want every child to feel they 'fit in' here and our aim is to make each classroom as inclusive as possible for every child, regardless of their needs. Our Inclusion Leader, Mrs Penn, works tirelessly to assist the teachers and support staff in providing help for the children who need that slightly different, more bespoke, approach for them to be able to access the curriculum.
The SEND department consists of a base, focusing primarily on providing sensory experiences for children with those particular needs, and a learning regulation room, 'the nest', which allows children who may be struggling with their work to access a quiet, nurturing environment in which to both learn and access pastoral support.
Here at Chickerell Primary Academy, we believe that all teachers should consider themselves as teachers of SEND and therefore the very vast majority of our SEND children stay in class with their peers to ensure that they gain the high quality curriculum experience from their teachers.
In line with the DfE Code of Practice, we invest heavily in our Quality First Teaching, and the Inclusion Lead disseminates latest pedagogy for all staff around SEND and how best we can meet the needs of all of our children.
Those children requiring that extra bit of support are offered a range of interventions and provisions..
Interventions include but are not limited to:
- 1:1 reading
- Numeracy support
- Small group phonics
- Learn to move
- Nurture breakfast club
- Small group maths intervention
- SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
- Thrive
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy)
- Nurture groups
- 1:1 Counselling with the MHST
- Small group Forest Schools interventions
- Lego therapy
We work closely with a range of external agencies who provide specialist support and advice for individual students depending on their needs.
These agencies include:
- SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
- Educational Psychologist
- Pediatrician
- Auditory and Visual Support Services
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
- Specialist teaches in Specific Learning Difficulties, Sensory Processing
- Family Workers
- Local Authority SEN/ Inclusion team
- Behaviour support
Assessment and Monitoring:
Children are assessed regularly throughout their time at Chickerell. Results are analysed and children who are not making expected progress may then undergo more specialist assessment to identify what additional support could be put in place in terms of intervention. Intervention sessions are provided to target specific needs and the progress of each child is monitored closely. Children who do not make progress despite intervention, may then be placed on the SEN register and further assessment and intervention will be offered. The SEN register is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that students are moved through the SEN stages of the Code of Practice in an accurate and timely manner.
Chickerell, like all schools in Dorset, have a link Educational Psychologist. Once a term, there is a planning meeting between the SENDCo and the Educational Psychologist. This is often attended by Specialist Teachers involved with the school. The purpose of these meetings is to collaboratively look at the Graduated Approach for individual students and decide upon appropriate strategies and next steps, including which professionals should be involved.
Accessibility plan
Support for children with ASD
Latest documents relating to SEN provision
UNCRC Article 2
All children have rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.