Year 4
Staff in Year 4 2024 / 2025
Miss Simmonds
Mr Broom
Teaching Assistants
Mr Millar, Mrs O'Rourke and Miss Jolliffe
Useful information
- Now that the weather is getting cooler and very changeable please ensure children come to school with a coat.
- All children will need to bring their book bag to school daily. Please ensure that book bags are named and always have your child's reading book and reading record in them. Also please ensure you check your child's book bag daily for any letters.
- Water bottles need to be brought in daily and should be filled with water not squash, unless specific arrangements have been made with the class teacher. It would be useful to double-check they have their bottle to bring home when you collect them. These also need to be named please.
- Uniform - please refer to the school uniform policy
Whole School Curriculum Overview
Year 4 pupils are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by May 2024, when they will take part in the Multiplication Tables Check. This is a series of 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer, with a 3 second gap between questions. It is hard, requires maximum concentration and the multiplication facts really do need to be known ‘off by heart’ in order to pass. To this end, we encourage all students to practise these at home and school, as well as participate in TT Rockstars.
There are links below to some sites that may support additional learning at home.
In year 4, we will be following the Year 4 spelling curriculum. However, Some children may not be ready for this and will be taught in a small group addresses any gaps from previous years' spellings. Your child's class teacher will inform you if your child will need this extra support.
The children will continue to use their phonics knowledge to aid spelling and will start to learn more complex graphemes (letters) that represent the sounds. We are using Spelling Shed schemes of work to teach spelling across the school.
We will continue to learn spellings weekly. Lists are sent home on a Friday ready to be tested the following Friday. Children must ensure that their small blue spelling books are in school every Friday.
Spelling shed assignments will be set up weekly to enable children to practise their spellings both in school and at home.
Lists can be found by clicking the spelling icon above.
This list is from the National Curriculum and the expectation is that all children will be able to read and spell these words and use them in their writing. Some of these words are decodable and others will be 'tricky' words which cannot be sounded out and just need to be learnt.
Year 3 & 4 word list:
accident | century | experiment | interest | particular | remember |
accidentally | certain | extreme | island | peculiar | sentence |
actual | circle | famous | knowledge | perhaps | separate |
actually | complete | favourite | learn | popular | special |
address | consider | February | length | position | straight |
answer | continue | forward(s) | library | possess | strange |
appear | decide | fruit | material | possession | strength |
arrive | describe | grammar | medicine | possible | suppose |
believe | different | group | mention | potatoes | surprise |
bicycle | difficult | guard | minute | pressure | therefore |
breath | disappear | guide | natural | probably | though |
breathe | early | heard | naughty | promise | although |
build | earth | heart | notice | purpose | thought |
busy | eight | height | occasion | quarter | through |
business | eighth | history | occasionally | question | various |
calendar | enough | imagine | often | recent | weight |
caught | exercise | increase | opposite | regular | woman |
centre | experience | important | ordinary | reign | women |
Contacting the Year 4 Team
We are more than happy to receive emails on the above links. Please bear in mind that we may not be able to respond until the following day due to teaching commitments.
At times, you may prefer to arrange to speak to us over the phone. You can arrange this via email, again using the addresses above, or by calling the school office on 01305 783876 and leaving a message.
The School Day
Children can enter from 8:30 to be settled for registration at 8:40am, after which teaching will begin.
Leaving times have changed slightly so that pupils with surnames beginning with N-Z will leave school at 3.05pm. A-M pupils will leave at 3:10pm.
Miss Simmonds' class - Thursday and Friday
Mr Broom's class - Tuesday and Thursday (Swimming first half of spring term - see parentmail for details)
Pupils are asked to wear their PE kit to school that day.