Safeguarding - information for parents and children
'See or hear it, believe it- do something!' This has to be the mantra for all adults who work with children in regards to safeguarding.
safeguarding policy
Perhaps the single most important job we have as adults is to try and ensure that children in our care are safe and appropriately cared for. If children do not have these basic needs met, then they are unlikely to learn to their full potential. All adults who work in a school have a responsibility to safeguard young people in this respect. Any concerns that we have about the welfare and safety of a child is logged on our 'My Concern' system which allows the Designated Safeguard Leads, Miss Harris, Mrs Llewellyn and Mrs Ingram-Richards to view and act on these where appropriate. If you, as a parent, also have any concerns regarding the welfare of a young child then please do call in and ask to see one of these members of staff. In addition, our child protection policy is under the 'policy' heading for you to view.
Also, you can also call the Dorset Safeguarding Service, the MASH team, on 01202 228866 - and any concerns can be treated confidentially.
Our most recent full safeguarding update took place on the 3rd September 2024. We update our knowledge on these through the National College webinars [ the office holds relevant certificates for staff] and half termly 'case study' sessions too. Several of the SLT are also trained in safer recruitment.
Operation Encompass Spring 2021:
As a school, we want to be able to support families as much as possible, and to that end we have signed up to be part of 'Operation Encompass'- which will allow us access to information from the police about domestic abuse within our immediate community. Knowing about this will allow us to provide the best possible, timely help for any child caught up in this situation.
Below are two very useful links for support for families experiencing this:
Useful safeguarding information to read
'PREVENT' risk assessment
A message for our children:
Is something worrying you? Is someone hurting you? Do you need to talk to someone?
Sometimes you may have problems outside of school but think that we won’t be interested in them or that we can’t do anything about it. Well, we ARE interested and we CAN help. We are always here for you, so please find one of us to talk to. That can be your teacher, a teaching assistant, a dinner-lady, or one of the lovely people in our school office. Don’t be afraid to ask. If you really feel too scared or worried about talking to someone, you can use our new system, 'MyVoice', to send us your worries via an email...