Year 2
Welcome to Year 2 2024/2025
Teaching Staff 2024-2025
Miss. Chappell - 2CC Teacher -
Mrs. Jeffery - 2LJ Teacher -
Miss. Evans - Teaching assistant
Mrs. King - Teaching assistant
Mrs. Kershaw - Teaching assistant
Mrs. Rider - Teaching assistant
Useful information
- Now that the weather is getting cooler and very changeable please ensure children come to school with a coat.
- All children will need to bring their book bag to school daily. Please ensure that book bags are named and always have your child's reading book and reading record in them. Also please ensure you check your child's book bag daily for any letters.
- Water bottles need to be brought in daily and should be filled with water not squash, unless specific arrangements have been made with the class teacher. It would be useful to double-check they have their bottle to bring home when you collect them. These also need to be named please.
- All Year 2 children will have their PE lesson on Tuesdays, so please ensure that they are wearing appropriate PE kit to school on this day each week.
- Uniform - please refer to the school uniform policy
Whole School Curriculum Overview