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Chickerell Primary Academy


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Pupil Voice

Pupil voice at Chickerell Primary 2024/2025


Welcome to our Pupil Voice page where we will share all of our latest news with you. Our Pupil Voice group meet regularly to discuss current issues, which they then feedback to the rest of their class and work together to resolve.


It is really important that we let our pupils have a say in how we do things here. Decisions that we make must involve them to be truly democratic.


CONGRATULATIONS to the following pupils who have been chosen as our 2024/2025 ambassadors to inspire others: House/Sports Captains: Lyla Mitchell, Harry Greening, James Board, Penny Telfer, Lainey Worley, Nyla Easton,  Amelia Waters, Jack Gatehouse,


Head Boy: Rhys Dewey

Head Girl: Amelia Murphy


These people represent our school and often engage in 'community' service- tidying the library, helping with younger years events and such like.


We also have another group of pupils who applied to Miss Harris to be in the Pupil Voice group via letter. This group, and the above, meet with Mrs Llewellyn and Mrs Mitchell regularly to discuss issues that they'd like to raise.



Keeping you safe:

A message for our children:

Is something worrying you? Is someone hurting you?


Sometimes you may have problems outside of school but think that we won’t be interested in them or that we can’t do anything about it. Well, we ARE interested and we CAN help. We are always here for you, so please find one of us to talk to. That can be your teacher, a teaching assistant, a dinner-lady, or one of the lovely people in our school office. Don’t be afraid to ask.


Even if you think your worries are too big or that you may get into trouble if you tell anyone, come to us for help. Sometimes the people or person hurting you might be an adult (or adults) who you know well, but we’ll still support you no matter what.

If you really don’t feel that you can talk to anyone at school about it, it might be easier for you to speak to someone you don’t know. If so, you should call ChildLine. It’s a free helpline for children in the UK. You can phone them on 0800 1111 to talk about any problem – their counsellors are always here to help you sort it out. To find out more about the services offered by Childline, just click here.

Rights Respecting Schools

Our school has been awarded Rights Respecting Schools Gold level. We are delighted that our school has been recognised for establishing an environment where pupil voice is paramount to the children's learning and running of our school. We ensure that the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of a Child supports all that we do in school. 

Article 12 ‘You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously’







The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Democracy in action

School Councils are democracy in action; the Pupil Voice group at Chickerell Primary Academy consists of representatives from Year 2 to Year 6. Our Reception classes learn about democracy through their Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and contribute ideas for the School Council to discuss. Year One learn about democracy through their Jigsaw PSHE lessons. The Pupil Voice group meets regularly to express views on behalf of their classes and to make decisions.

Mrs. Llewellyn, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Penn meet together with the children as a Pupil Voice group so that they can share their ideas and the jobs that they need to do after the meetings. Minutes of the meetings are written for Pupil Voice representatives to share in class and these are also attached to the bottom of this page. After each meeting the representatives are given a ‘job’ to carry out within school for example, they may have to talk to their classes about a school issue or gather ideas about how we could improve upon an area within school.

Staff are always keen to know the views of our pupils. 


The Pupil Voice group plays a vital role in the life of Chickerell Primary Academy. They voice the views of the pupils and help Miss Harris, our Governors and our staff to continually strive for school improvement.  We know that when children feel safe and secure at school and when they know that their opinions and views are valued and listened to, they will feel an integral part of our school community. This is very important to us here at Chickerell Primary Academy and therefore we encourage our children to become involved and to represent the views of their classes so that we can all work together in a democratic way.



Chickerell Primary Academy – working in partnership with our children at every level

Pupil Voice Minutes March 2024

Scott Henley an ambassador for ASCAR school in Uganda came to our Pupil Voice Group meeting; we really enjoyed his visit and are looking forward to working with him this year and supporting ASCAR.

A huge well done to Daisy and Lyla for winning our Boomerang Bag competition; you reused your carrier bags so many times!

Our super entries for our spring themed recycling competition
