Ofsted and Performance Information
Children's success at primary school can never be judged solely on their 'pass rates' in tests, there is so very much more to their development towards being secondary ready than that, however we do have a duty to report on externally validated data, including Ofsted reports, to help inform a parents potential choice of school.
The data below shows how the children have performed in key areas, at key times, notably:
EYFS GLD scores
KS1 Phonics check
Yr 2 Phonics retakes
YR 4 Multiplication Tables Check
' Unvalidated' data headlines for 2024
Data/Outcomes overview for the whole school 2023
Ofsted are a regulatory body whose job it is to report on standards within a school in a given snapshot of time.
They look at outcomes for the children, the breadth and depth of curriculum, the pastoral care given over to ensuring that children are safe and cared for, and how well led the school is, to name but a few areas. They typically visit a school every 3-5 years, although this can be more often in certain circumstances.
Our last inspection report is detailed below.