School Name

Chickerell Primary Academy


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These are documents that schools have that explain how and why we do things.  


At time of writing this, we have just joined First Federation Multi Academy Trust  and will be endorsing and following their policies over this transitional year. This may mean that some of our 'original 'ones here are not up to date.


 The link to their website for policies is below.



The school aims to deal with concerns as quickly, sympathetically and effectively as possible. It is hoped that most concerns will be settled amicably without recourse to the formal Complaints procedure. Parents and carers should talk about their concern to their child's class teacher in the first instance. If they feel their concern has not been dealt with appropriately, parents and carers should then make an appointment to discuss it further with the Head of School. If the complainant remains dissatisfied, they will be directed through the formal stages of the First Federation Complaints procedure. The complainant will initially be invited to meet with a member of the Trust Senior Leadership Team. If they remain dissatisfied, the complainant will then be invited to a meeting of the Complaints Panel, which is the final stage of the procedure.  The First Federation Complaints procedure explains the different complaint stages and timelines and can be found on the Trust website here.Where concerns or complaints which should have been addressed to the school are received by the Trust head office, the Trust will ask the school to investigate them, letting the parent or carer know to expect an answer from the school. The Trust will not normally investigate anonymous complaints. However the Head of School, a member of the Trust Senior Leadership Team or the Chair of Directors, if appropriate, will determine whether the complaint warrants an investigation.)


