Our school day- timings 2024/2025
Our school day
Gates open at 7.30 for our 'paid' breakfast club and then anyone who needs a bit of extra, free breakfast can come in from 8.20.
Children then can come into the classroom between 8.30 and 8.40, registration is at 8.40 prompt. The starting activity of the day is ready at 8.30, as soon as children enter the room.
Breaktimes are staggered between 10 and 11 to allow for a safe playtime.
Lunch is 12-1
At the end of the day, children with a surname A-M leave at 3.05, children with a surname N-Z leave at 3.10.[we alternate this so that children receive a very similar entitlement of time]
School is open for 32.5 hours a week, exclusive of any extra curricular clubs.